Sat, Nov 13
|Vermont Square Park
CicLAvia Street Skills: Rules of the Road (South LA) - In-Person
Learn the rules of the road and how to bike safely on city streets through in-person, small group instruction.
Time & Location
Nov 13, 2021, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Vermont Square Park, 1248 W 47th St, Los Angeles, CA 90037, USA
About the event
This class is prioritized for residents who live in South LA communities. If you do not live in South LA, we encourage you to seek out our other class options and community rides.
Do you live in South LA and want to make bicycling part of your daily travel routine, but you’re not sure where to start?
Do you want to be more familiar with the rules of the road while on a bike? The Bike 2: Rules of the Road class, presented by Metro and LA County Bicycle Coalition in partnership with LADOT and CicLAvia is an in-person class that will help you learn how to bike on city streets safely. We will teach you the rules of the road, how to plan your route, and provide tips and tricks to make bicycling for everyday travel safe and convenient. From what to wear to bicycling etiquette, we’ve got you covered! Participants will receive a FREE helmet and a set of bike lights!
Pre-registration and attendance confirmation is required for all participants. Once you are registered, we will send you a waiver and location information to confirm your attendance. If you are attending with other family members, each person must be registered in order to attend. Register now to guarantee your spot!
Thanks to a Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) statewide grant, LADOT is launching the South Los Angeles Universal Basic Mobility Pilot Program to introduce new shared mobility options for residents and workers, expand fare payment subsidies, integrate fare payment across existing and new transportation options, and expand electrification to advance Universal Basic Mobility for South LA residents. As part of this engagement effort, we are excited to collaborate with community partners to offer fun and engaging bike safety education opportunities to South LA communities to ensure that all residents have access to dignified, frequent, affordable transportation that serves all of their basic needs.
Check out these other events in this CicLAvia Street Skills series:
- Back to Bike Basics - Online Video Class (October 23)
- South LA Route Preview - November 27
Who Should Sign-Up:
If you are comfortable getting on a bike, but might be nervous about navigating neighborhood streets, then this class may be for you. This class will help you understand the rules of the road and provide practical skills so that you are able to navigate city streets safely and use bikes for everyday travel.
PLEASE NOTE: This is not a "Learn to Ride" class, so you are expected to at least know how to ride a bike, even if you are not a frequent rider.
What You’ll Learn:
- Things to Know Before Hitting the Streets: ABC Quick Check / Route Planning / Bike Parking / Bike Infrastructure
- Biking on City Streets: Rules of the Road / Navigating Common Hazards
- Biking and Transit: Riding around Transit / Taking bikes on trains and buses
- Safe Streets, Active Streets! Safer Street Design Toolkit
- Bike Services / Events Offered by Metro, LADOT, CicLAvia
What You’ll Need:
- Mask or face covering (even if you are fully vaccinated)
- A bike in good working condition (we have limited loaner bikes available for those who need to use one)
- All participants will get a free helmet and a set of bike lights.
Registration & Waivers:
Participants ages 16 and up may participate in this class. All participants must sign a waiver to participate; if the participant is under 18 years of age, a parent or legal guardian must accompany the minor.
Metro's Bicycle Education Safety Training (BEST) Program currently offers bike classes at 4 different levels—Bicycling 101 and Bike 1, 2, & 3. If you are interested in taking classes at the next level or joining a community bike ride, check out the full event calendar. For more info on how to ride a bike in LA County, visit metro.net/gobike.
The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) is a membership-based nonprofit organization that works to make all communities in LA County healthy, safe, and fun places to ride a bike through advocacy, education, and outreach.
The Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) leads transportation planning, project delivery, and operations in the City of Los Angeles to ensure all people have access to safe and affordable transportation choices that treat everyone with dignity and support vibrant, inclusive communities.
CicLAvia catalyzes vibrant public spaces, active transportation, and good health through car-free street events. CicLAvia engages with people to transform our relationship with our communities and with each other.
The Sustainable Transportation Equity Project (STEP) is a new transportation equity pilot from the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that aims to address community residents’ transportation needs, increase access to key destinations, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by funding planning, clean transportation, and supporting projects.