Why Sunset4All
Sunset and Santa Monica Boulevards should feel less like highways and more like our community’s “Main Streets.”
Beautify Sunset Boulevard: more trees, plants, shade, and pocket parks
Installing protected bike lanes unlocks state grants to pay for more trees & greenery. Sunset4All has identified over $600 million in grant opportunities that we would be eligible for if we installed protected bike lanes and pedestrian improvements.
Create a “green” transportation corridor
Over 50% of trips along the corridor are less than three miles. A safer walking & biking path would give people the freedom to leave the car at home for shorter trips while safely, efficiently connecting 100,000 local residents to the subway.
Save lives
Over 1,000 people have been injured or killed in traffic collisions along the Sunset4All corridor in the last 10 years. A 13 year study of 12 cities suggests that networks of protected bike lanes cut severe injuries to people walking, biking, and driving in half.
Bikes Mean Business
Sunset4All would knit all of our business districts together. Protected bike lanes on Sunset Blvd would make it possible to shop for a book in Los Feliz and then have lunch in Echo Park without searching for a parking spot!
When the city added protected bike lanes to less than one mile of Venice Boulevard the number of people walking in Mar Vista’s central shopping district increased by 32%. What do you call pedestrians in a shopping district? Customers.
To help our businesses bounce back from COVID, Sunset4All would make our community’s “main streets” more welcoming places to walk, dine, and shop.
All travel and parking lanes would be preserved on Sunset Blvd
This is not a “road diet” on Sunset Blvd! We’re simply moving the bike lanes to the other side of the parked cars and placing them on one side of the street. The community would have the option of reconfiguring Santa Monica Blvd between Virgil & Vermont from four to three lanes or maintaining the current street design and running the Sunset4All route down a parallel side street.
More customers arriving by car
~40 parking spaces would need to be red curbed over 3.2 miles of Sunset & Santa Monica Boulevards. However, Sunset4All has identified an additional ~30 parking spaces that could be created on nearby side streets. Additionally, simple parking reforms could greatly increase the availability of parking on the corridor.
Safe Routes to School
The CA Safe Routes Partnership, the premier safe routes to school organization, reviewed Sunset4All and proclaimed it to be a “game changer in the lives of thousands of local children.”
Combining biking with transit trips has been shown to more than double the number of jobs available within a 30 minute commute versus riding transit alone. Furthermore, Sunset4All would provide an affordable active transportation option to LA City College where 3 out of 4 students live in food insecure households. Transit improvements such as improved bus stops, more shade, and cue jumping could help buses run more efficiently down the corridor while improving passenger comfort.
Cultural Trail
Imagine a cultural trail connecting our neighborhoods that could celebrate our unmatched cultural diversity, Route 66, silent film studios, iconic gay rights locations, world famous architecture, and more…
WHO is Sunset4All
Sunset4All was founded by local residents, small business owners, and community organizations. In 2018 they began partnering with BikeLA. With BikeLA's help, Sunset4All raised over $60,000 from over 360 donors to create the preliminary engineering plans for Sunset4All.