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Off the Chain With Tamika: Fall into Lots of Year-End Fun

“Off the Chain with Tamika” is LACBC Executive Director Tamika Butler’s monthly letter to the LACBC family. Here is the latest for November. Hi LACBC Family,

The sun sets sooner, we’ve hit fall, it’s getting cooler and like always, the weather is still perfect to ride in L.A. We’ve had a busy month all over thec ounty and state and I wanted to give you a few updates.

Operation Firefly has officially kicked off last week in NoHo thanks to the generosity of our season sponsor, Laemmle Charitable Foundation, and our Team Firefly volunteers. This program is an excellent way to get involvedwith LACBC and give back to the community of bicyclists to light up their rides, so please consider joining us for a distribution.

In the theme of Operation Firefly, we had our 2nd Annual Firefly Ball a few weeks ago. We had a lot of fun and I want to thank all of you who supported us, enjoyed good food and drinks, and made some new friends. If you missed it, check out the blog post and photo album, and join us next year.

With the momentum from Firefly Ball and the Operation Firefly kickoff, we also started this fall’s Membership Drive. Due to popular demand, we brought monthly sustaining membership, and you pay just a little every month to keep the important work of our organization going. Plus, if you sign up now you get a subscription to Momentum Mag. And premium members get our new limited-edition #bikeLA membership shirts.  We can’t do all thecool things we do without your support so please renew or sign up today!

Finally, there is a lot happening on the policy front in L.A. county. We know a lot of people are excited about bike share (newly launched in Santa Monica today), confused about Mobility Plan 2035, and want updates on Vision Zero. To help ensure that you’re always getting theupdates you need, we just re-launched the LACBC Blog. This blog will feature postings from our staff members and different chapters, and will now host these “Off the Chain” letters. Is there something you want us to delve deeper into? Shoot an email to Carol at or me. The blog is all about building community and keeping you informed, and we strive to make it a positive and community-oriented space. We’ll try to have a good balance of detailing important policy and planning issues and focusing on the stories of people biking. We hope you’ll like it!

As 2015 comes to an end, I look forward to checking in next month and reflecting on my first year as LACBC’s Executive Director. Hopefully, you’ll also come to our LACBC Open House on Thursday, December 3rd, to celebrate my first year—one full of change and growth for LACBC—with me in person. This party is free for LACBC members (and $10 for the general public). Come celebrate with us!

Ride on! Ride on!

– TB

Tamika Butler

LACBC Executive Director

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