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Ryan Snyder and LACBC release “Remove Nothing Plan”

Kevin Shin

11/11/14 – Councilman Koretz’s office responds to our action alert:

From: Jay Greenstein <> Subject: The Remove Nothing Plan

Thank you for your message to Councilmember Koretz regarding Westwood Blvd. bike lanes. I would like to respond on his behalf. The Councilmember has seen the most recent proposal shared with us by Ryan Snyder. He appreciates Ryan’s efforts to find a compromise in addressing the Councilmember’s and community concerns regarding bike lanes while also working to create a safer pathway for cyclists. We have responded to Ryan and have also begun the process of reaching out to City staff to determine how best to move this conversation along. We will work with Ryan and the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition as we determine a path forward.

11/7/14 – UCLA Deans send a letter in favor of Westwood improvements to Huffington Post.

10/27/14 Update – Ryan Snyder of RSA unveils an alternative plan for Westwood Blvd in response to Councilman Koretz’s opposition to LADOT’s initial effort to install bike lanes. Now in its second iteration, this proposal doesn’t remove any vehicular lanes, hence “Remove Nothing Plan”, but greatly improves the corridor for bicyclists with the addition of bike lanes (or protected bike lanes), green-backed sharrows, and additional signage. Join us in asking Councilman Koretz to support this alternative – a win/win solution for Westwood. For complete details click on the proposal below.

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