“Off the Chain with Tamika” is LACBC Executive Director Tamika Butler’s monthly letter to the LACBC family. Here is the latest for February 2016.
Hey LACBC Fam,
I hope you’re enjoying February. Here at LACBC it’s been a month of loving what we do and loving our team. Some folks have noted that in some ways, February has seemed like a slow month for us and asked what we’ve been working on. Let me share a few highlights.
First, and so far the most fun highlight of the month, we celebrated thewedding of our beloved colleague, Hyeran Lee, and her fantastic love, Henry Pan, this weekend. You’ve probably seen both of them at our events as Henry, like many LACBC partners and spouses, often chips in and helps make LACBC events and programs successful. It was by far the most bikey wedding we’ve been to, and it perfectly fit these two multimodal loves. Also, Hyeran’s parents are amazing singers and dancers, and we were thrilled to spend a little time withthem. Congratulations, Hyeran and Henry!
Back in the office, we’ve been working hard to figure out our goals for the year. While yesterday we spent a day cleaning out our offices for the Great LACBC Office Clean Up, last week we had our annual LACBC staff retreat at AARP’s beautiful Pasadena offices. We discussed last year and all we accomplished, but really focused on the year ahead. This year we’ve decided as a team that we’re prioritizing:
Strengthening our branding and communications. We want to make sure LACBC continues to be an accurate, go-to location for people looking for information related to biking in Los Angeles County.
Continuing the growth of our grassroots chapter program. We’re working hard to make sure leaders who want to advocate on behalf of people who in their community have the support they need to be a strong on-the-ground presence in their locality.
Winning effective campaigns. From a potential transportation ballot measure to Mobility Plan 2035 to Vision Zero to our work in the Southeast Cities and South L.A.—we are committed to running campaigns that win. We will share our successes and make sure that people in L.A. know that people who bike are fighting to make this a better county for all Angelenos.
Being a great partner and forming sustainable partnerships. Building on a theme from last year, LACBC is striving to be reliable partner both within and outside of the bicycle community.
Making YOUR membership experience awesome! Ishraq has been on board and many of you have loved the changes he’s made (Check out the website. What about those new #bikeLA shirts?!). We’re just getting started. We want to make how your support helps LACBC and biking easier to understand and continue to bring you value and fun!
Ensuring that equity is an integral part of that we do. LACBC recognizes our role in shaping regional policy to address disparities facing historically underserved and historically neglected communities and advocates for intentional policies to address inequity. LACBC extends this commitment to equity to our own programs by intentionally prioritizing low-income communities of color for education, outreach, and advocacy resources. We further seek to engage partners and residents from these underserved communities in shaping our programs to meet their needs. We will challenge ourselves to be better allies with other historically neglected communities and groups as we fight institutional racism and discrimination to move towards building a more bikeable L.A. county. This framework is integrated into all the work we do throughout the organization.
Diversifying and growing our funding sources. In order to keep doing good work, we know we need to keep bringing in the money. We were able to double our income last year and we’re going for more this year. (You can always help sustain LACBC by joining LACBC, renewing, or spreading the word about LACBC to a friend.) Staff and board are committed to telling the story of the organization in ways that excite other people to contribute to LACBC’s work and advance our mission.
Bringing YOU the best events. We know everyone isn’t into to wonky policy. And that’s okay. We’re still fighting for you. But we’re also having fun with you. We’re going to continue to upthe quality of our events and we want you to hang out and have fun with us. Start now by joining Team LACBC on Climate Ride this May or registering for the 16th Annual L.A. River Ride benefitting LACBC.
As you can see, we have big ambitions for the year ahead. Serving our members is at the center of all we do. If you have thoughts, suggestions, concerns, or ideas, I’m also here. Send me an email, give me a call, or stop by. I’m here for you.
Ride on! Ride on!
Tamika Butler LACBC Executive Director tamika@la-bike.org