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August Policy Corner

Kevin Shin

Hello from the Policy Team, Lyndsey Nolan and Cesar Hernandez! Welcome to The Policy Corner, our new newsletter section to provide regular updates on the policy and planning work being done at LACBC and with our partners. We hope you find this helpful!

Our team is meeting with key partners and leaders locally and at the state level to build deeper relationships and identify opportunities for collaboration. This includes folks that work for community based organizations, public agencies, and elected officials. Due to staff transitions – both at LACBC and externally – we have identified this as a priority over the next few months.

We’re also continuing to be engaged in a number of coalitions and advisory groups, including the Metro PAC (Policy Advisory Council), Lower LA River IAG (Implementation Advisory Group), the LA River Master Plan Steering Committee, ACT-LA (Alliance for Community Transit Los Angeles), the NexGen Bus Study, and LA ROSAH (LA Regional Open Space and Affordable Housing). We engage in these coalitions in order to stay informed and help influence policies that intersect with transportation. We will work to inform our community of our involvement in these coalitions going forward.

As for some updates for projects specific around the county:

  1. Spring Street Bridge – Phase I of this project was recently implemented without bike lanes. We are working to meet with folks at LADOT and BOE (Bureau of Engineering) to learn about Phase II of the project and what to expect in terms of implementing bike lanes that were approved by City Council in 2011.

  2. Rowena Avenue – There is concern that the road diet on Rowena, which was implemented in 2013, may be removed despite its effectiveness in improving safety. We are working to meet with folks at LADOT and Councilmember Ryu’s office to discuss alternative options to address cut-through traffic concerns in that neighborhood.

  3. Griffith Park Boulevard – There has been some concern lately that the bike lanes on Griffith Park will be removed, following two bike crashes on this street (though only one was on the portion with bike lanes). We are working to meet with folks at LADOT and the City Attorney’s Office to share our concerns with the removal and discuss alternatives.

  4. MyFigueroa Streetscape Project – The MyFig project was recently implemented, and while it’s quite beautiful, there are some areas for improvement. We will be meeting with CD14 and LADOT staff next week to share some feedback on the recently installed project. We’ve outlined some recommendations in a blog post, and ask that you add your feedback in the comments section.

  5. Skid Row – We continue to support and collaborate with our partners, LACAN, to get bike lanes on Skid Row through 5th and 6th Streets. We are working to meet with CD14 staff soon to develop some initial conceptual plans.

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