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Earn the Badges. Complete the Challenge!

Kevin Shin

Trying to figure out how much you need to bike, walk or run each week in order to complete your chosen distance in this June’s LA River’s Challenge?

We’ve broken it down for you with our week-to-week badges! Throughout the month of June, keep a lookout on our social media and newsletter for a chance to win badges marking your progress towards your challenge mileage goal.

Each week we’ll feature a badge named after an LA County waterway. If you complete that waterway’s distance throughout the week, you win the badge! While some badge waterways have bike infrastructure (like Ballona Creek), not all of them do. This means you can complete the distance anywhere. Each challenge features waterways from all throughout LA County, giving you a chance to learn more about creeks, channels, and rivers throughout LA.

Register for the challenge online at Remember to use code EARLYBIRD10 to get $10 off. #lariverschallenge2021

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