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Infrastructure & Policy Updates 4/19/2023

Federal Level

New Study Shows How Little Americans Walk

In a new study published in Sustainability, mobility researchers Ralph Buehler and John Pucher looked at the global data on walking trips to understand how the United States compares to other nations.

Of the 11 countries in the sample for which data was available for all trip purposes, the U.S. tied for last with New Zealand among the populations that walk for the lowest percentage of overall trips (12 percent).

EPA Follows California's Lead In Proposal To Ramp Up Electric Car Ownership

If enacted, the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed standards would be among the most stringent and aggressive measures the federal agency has ever taken to slash planet-warming tailpipe pollution, clean up dirty air and tackle climate change.

“We have reestablished the United States as a leader in the clean transportation future,” Ali Zaidi, deputy national climate advisor to President Joe Biden, said Tuesday. “This is a moment of transformation.”

General LA

Metro Offers Free Transit, Bike Rides on Earth Day

Metro’s entire system is free to ride on April 22, including buses, trains, Metro Bike and Metro Micro. Turnstiles will be unlocked at rail stations and there’s no need to tap at fare boxes on buses or validators. Click below for more information on redeeming free rides on Metro Bike and Micro.

San Gabriel Valley

South Pas Active Streets Recognized By Assembly Member

South Pasadena Active Streets has been organizing monthly Bike Buses to school. ”We know that when kids bike and walk to school, they’re building character, self-confidence, and fitness,” said Kris Miller, co-founder of South Pas Active. Fong’s office recognized the group for “promoting active transportation that improves quality of life, contributes to our community, and is a core pillar of South Pasadena’s climate action plan.”

South Los Angeles Area

Compton Officials Seek Crack Down On Street Takeovers

“These street takeovers have plagued our city for far too long,” Sharif said.

As a preventative measure, the city plans to install Botts’ dots in an intersection used in last weekend’s takeover, Compton Mayor Emma Sharif said, demanding change in a City Council meeting.


WeHo May Remove Right Turn On Red

Mayor Pro Tem John Erickson and Councilmember Chelsea Byers are pitching a pilot program that would ban right turns when stoplights are red at various intersections throughout the city in an effort to reduce transportation-related serious injuries and deaths.

Santa Monica Considers Adding AI Cameras To Monitor Bus Lanes

Some Santa Monica officials want to install an AI camera system on two buses that would detect and deter the illegal use of bus lanes and zones by traffic. The system would be tested along Lincoln Blvd. where the city has a bus-only lane.

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