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#makeLACity: Transportation Committee Votes for Vision Zero & Active Transportation in Local Re

Kevin Shin

Yesterday the City of Los Angeles took an important step in making the award-winning vision of the Mobility Plan 2035 and Mayor Garcettii’s Vision Zero directive realities. The Transportation Committee’s 3-2 vote to allocate 60% of local return to Vision Zero funding, 10% to bike infrastructure, 10% to sidewalk repair and reconstruction, and 20% to median island and curb extension improvements marks a positive step forward for active transportation advocates.

“Mobility Plan 2035 and Vision Zero demonstrate that Los Angeles has the know-how to make L.A. city streets safe, equitable, and active,” said Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) Executive Director, Tamika Butler, “but now is the time for city leadership to demonstrate the political will to fund these plans and save lives. We’re encouraged by our elected officials and L.A. Department of Transportation leadership recognizing the importance of dedicated funding for Vision Zero and prioritizing investment in low-income communities and communities of color that have been historically neglected and are the most vulnerable. We will continue to work with, and pressure, elected officials to fund the projects that will make our streets safe for all users. We also thank all the community members that contacted the Transportation Committee or spoke at the committee meeting.”

Over 30 community members came to support funding Vision Zero, bicycling, green streets, and pedestrian investments citing the need for safer and more equitable streets in many public comments.

“LACBC would like to thank Councilmembers Bonin, Martinez, Huizar, and Harris-Dawson for their leadership in championing this effort to dedicate local return funding for Vision Zero and working to save lives on L.A.’s streets,” said Butler. “Councilmember Bonin highlighting the importance of saving lives rather than fixing potholes and Councilmember Harris-Dawson’s testimony supporting Vision Zero in the communities he represents were especially poignant moments. Yesterday’s vote was a significant step towards realizing Mayor Garcetti’s directive to achieve zero traffic fatalities and serious injuries by the year 2025.”

Next, Councilmember Bonin’s proposal heads to the Public Works and Gang Reduction committee which is chaired by Councilmember Joe Buscaino.

Learn more about what LACBC is advocating for in local return. You can follow some of the action from today by following the hashtag #CompletingStreets (we trended on Twitter yesterday)! Get updates on when this motion moves forward here on the blog and by signing up for LACBC updates.

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