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News for Your Neighborhood


Federal Level

The Senate’s E-BIKE Act could make electric bikes a lot cheaper

"We build cheap — often free — areas for parking, we invest in highways, drivers don’t pay for congestion or CO2 emissions, and zoning laws and taxes favor sprawl. We need to start accommodating bikes — and especially e-bikes — if we want more people to switch to greener forms of transportation." - Senator Schatz

The Senator knows there is more to it than just modes of transportation. A major overhaul of infrastructure must also be on the table. He is hopeful this will be solved in a proposal from the Biden administration, a plan that allocates $2 trillion to transportation and more.

State Level

$100 Million Put to Use

Streetsblog has the word on the $100 million funding from Caltrans for their "Complete Streets" projects. Caltrans has already identified 34 projects across its twelve districts that qualify for the funding, using criteria that it developed with input from its Walk and Bike Technical Advisory Committee, including:

  • twelve separated, all-ages bike facilities; sixteen will include new sidewalks closing critical gaps in pedestrian access; 26 are along a city’s main street; and two include new road diet elements.

You can find a full list of projects listed by district, county, and state highway route number in the article.

General LA

Metro Bike has a new look

The look is different but otherwise Metro Bike Share functions the same way. Revenues from the ad campaign help Metro offset costs of the bike share program. The DoorDash ad campaign is for one year.

Central LA (Includes East, Northeast, South Central, Mid-City)


LADOT is getting to work on a safer intersection! Part of the 4th Street Greenway Project corridor, the 4th & New Hampshire Mini-Roundabout is designed to calm traffic and improve connections and crossings for everyone, whether walking, biking, rolling or driving.

San Gabriel Valley (Includes Pasadena, SouthPas, Pomona)


City Aims to Slow Traffic for Walkers' Sake

The goal of the Slow Streets program is to decrease speeding by motorists and increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists on select streets in South Pasadena. Various demonstration projects will be conducted to determine the best way to make busy streets safer.


Cheers to Progress 🎉

Westside Cities (WeHo, Culver City, Santa Monica, UCLA)


Yay for Connectivity!

The Higuera Street Bridge is west of Jefferson Boulevard in the Hayden Tract area and crosses over Ballona Creek. It will be removed and replaced with a newly constructed bike ramp that connects Higuera Street to the Ballona Creek Bike Path.

The proposed bridge will have four vehicle lanes, bike lanes, and sidewalks, along with traffic signal, paving, and striping improvements.

Beware that during construction, the area will be closed from now until December 2022. National Boulevard, Hayden Avenue, Eastham Drive, and Jefferson Boulevard are available detour options.

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