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News for Your Neighborhood: Infrastructure & Policy Updates

Kevin Shin


General LA

L.A. City Council Transportation Committee Approves Unprecedented Speed Limit Reductions

The committee voted to approve 177 miles of speed limit reductions on city streets. The speed limit reductions ordinance still needs to be approved by the full City Council and the Mayor, then thirty days later LADOT crews will begin installing new speed limit signage.

Antelope Valley (Lancaster, Palmdale)

Lancaster awarded $24.6M for housing and infrastructure improvements

The funds will be used to support 114 units of income-targeted housing in the Lancaster’s downtown area, improved bike and pedestrian infrastructure, upgrades for the commuter rail, and the development of an independent microgrid.

Central LA (East, Northeast, South Central, Mid-City)

Cypress Park

L.A. City Transportation Department (LADOT) spokesperson Colin Sweeney wrote that “StreetsLA recently completed resurfacing on Figueroa after which LADOT restriped the street to bring it up to current standards. In this instance, restriping created space to add a bike lane to the existing configuration without impacting other road users (no impact on parking or number of travel lanes).” North Figueroa was repaved between Pasadena Avenue and the 110 Freeway.

South Bay Cities (Carson, Long Beach)


Westside Cities (WeHo, Culver City, Santa Monica, UCLA)

Progress Pride Flag Crosswalks Underway

The process of re-painting the crosswalks at Santa Monica and San Vicente Blvds. will begin at the end of this month, City Manager David Wilson told Council at their meeting this week.

The push to change the crosswalks gained steam last year in the wake of social justice protests. The re-painting will take about three weeks and is costing the city about $85,000, according to estimates released last year.

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Unknown member
Feb 26, 2022

What an incredible article about Lancaster. Amazing the amount of value that it will provide to the local community. If anyone in the california area is looking for a great tree removal company, i can highly recommend:

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