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Kevin Shin

September Policy Corner

Policy Team Corner with Cesar & Lyndsey

The Policy Team is BACK! – We return with another round of monthly updates around the county. We hope you find this helpful!

As a priority, we’ve been meet with key partners and leaders locally and at the state level to build deeper relationships and identify opportunities for collaboration. This is includes folks that work for community based organizations, public agencies, and elected officials.

We’ve been engaged with a number of coalitions and advisory groups, including the Metro PAC (Policy Advisory Council), Lower LA River IAG (Implementation Advisory Group), the LA River Master Plan Steering Committee, ACT-LA (Alliance for Community Transit Los Angeles), the NexGen Bus Study, and LA ROSAH (LA Regional Open Space and Affordable Housing). The purpose of these relationships is to stay better informed and help influence policies that intersect with transportation.

As for some updates for projects specific around the county:

Measure M 2% Active Transportation Program – Last week at Metro PAC, a significant portion of the meeting was centered around the status of 2% ATP funding. The end result of meeting was to provide more time so that PAC working group can provide input on Metro guidelines for 2% ATP. The importance of this effort is to make sure the guidelines help with growing multimodal investments for the entire region, especially in areas of high need. Established in early 2017, a key task of Metro’s Policy Advisory Council (PAC) was to review, comment and provide input on the Draft Measure M Master Guidelines.

Lyndsey and Cesar at LA ROSAH’s summer mixer.

NACTO – Los Angeles will play host to NACTO (National Association of City Transportation Officials) starting Monday, October 1 to Thursday, October 4! Be on the lookout for our very own Lyndsey Nolan, who will be on a panel with Rio Oxas (People for Mobility Justice) and Effie Turnbull-Sanders (South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone), moderated by Therese McMillan (Metro). “Advancing Equity: Concrete Opportunities, Challenges and Partnerships in LA” will explore Metro’s new Equity Platform through the lens of specific projects, including the Blue Line First / Last Mile Plan.

Main and Spring Forward – LACBC and Michael MacDonald met with staffers at LADOT to learn about the project, provide input and what to expect in terms of implementing protected bike lanes down the heart of DTLA. This project is slated to improve intersections and crossings for people walking, upgrade the existing buffered bicycle lanes to protected bicycle lanes, reduce bus-bicycle conflicts, maximize parking / loading, and increase bus efficiency.

Bollards being placed on Spring St. for DTLA Fwd.

Rowena Ave. – LA Walks and LACBC spoke with staffers at Councilmember Ryu’s office (CD 4) to discuss alternative options to address cut-through traffic concerns in that neighborhood. LADOT will be making recommendations based on the study and CD 4 will host a community meeting with Kimley-Horne and LADOT. It is important that families and local businesses from CD 4 and CD 13 (O’Farrell) attend the next community meeting (TBD) and speak up in support of traffic calming measures. The people behind Keep Rowena Safe provided an overview and update during our September Central NBA meeting.

MyFigueroa Streetscape Project – LACBC will host a Metro BEST (Bicycle Education Safety Training) ride on Saturday, November 10 to provide an overview of the project, highlight some of opportunities and challenges, and learn how to navigate the new street design safely. Stay tuned to sign up.

Reseda Blvd. – LADOT is in the process of finalizing plans for safety improvements along Reseda from Parthenia to Victory. Potential upgrades include improved bike lanes, two-stage bike turn boxes, and pedestrian refuge islands. If you live in CD 3 (Blumenfield) or CD 12 (Englander), be sure to attend upcoming events and meetings to learn more and show support.

On 9/29, LADOT will have an outreach booth from 5 to 10 PM for the Reseda project at the Reseda. Their booth will be on Sherman Way between Lindley and Etiwanda.

On 10/1, LADOT and BOE will make a presentation to the Reseda Neighborhood Council (18118 Sherman Way, Reseda) at 7 PM followed by a Q & A.

If you can’t attend, consider contacting your councilmember to let them know you support safety improvements.

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1 comentario

Max R.
Max R.
03 may

Thanks for sharing this info. I could not attent but my council member helped :)

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